HUNTA-237: Assoċjazzjoni tal-viċinat wara nofsinhar! Logħba kemmxejn perikoluża u pjuttost H king tan-nisa żgħażagħ! 10 Big li ġie lura.ver Żvilupp mhux mistenni f'laqgħa ta 'assoċjazzjoni tal-viċinat li ħadt sehem fiha f'isem ommi! In-nisa, li kienu eċċitati bil-fatt li qatt ma lagħbu l-logħba king meta kienu żgħar, f'daqqa waħda qalu, "Irrid nilgħab il-logħba king!"

Neighborhood association in the afternoon! A slightly dangerous and quite H king game of young wives! 10 Big that came back.ver An unexpected development at a neighborhood association gathering that I participated in on behalf of my mother! The wives, who were excited by the fact that they had never played the king game when they were young, suddenly said, "I want to play the king game!"

Data tal-Ħruġ: 12/19/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 455 min
Studjo: Hunter