OYC-086: - Junior lokali super dgħajjef u verġni għandu ħabiba tat-tfajla tal-iskola ħelu għall-ewwel darba! Naturalment, kont jealous u ma stajtx naħfirlu, allura ċempiltlu d-dar biex ngħid bonjour u lilu quddiem il-juniors tiegħu! Kelli l-juniors tiegħi jżommu kamera u jieħdu ritratti. Naturalment, se nerġa 'ġewwa u għal darb'oħra quddiem il-juniors tiegħi ...

- A super weak and virgin local junior has a cute school girl girlfriend for the first time! Naturally, I was jealous and couldn't forgive him, so I called him home to say hello and him in front of his juniors! I had my juniors hold a camera and take pictures. Naturally, I will inside again and again in front of my juniors ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 01/19/2017
Ħin tar-runtime: 255 min