ELEG-010: WifeLife vol.010 ・ Mr./Ms. Kisaragi imwieled f'Showa 37 huwa disturbat ・ L-età fil-ħin tal-isparar għandha 54 sena, tliet daqsijiet huma 88 / 58 / 87 sabiex minn fuq għal isfel

WifeLife vol.010 ・ Mr./Ms. Kisaragi born in Showa 37 is disturbed ・ Age at the time of shooting is 54 years old, three sizes are 88 / 58 / 87 in order from top to bottom

Data tal-Ħruġ: 01/20/2017
Ħin tar-runtime: 120 min
Attriċi: Reika Kisaragi