GDHH-052: - "Eh, għajnejk iltaqgħu eżatt issa!?" - Jien eċċitat ħafna bl-ispettaklu ta' oħti! Ġurnata waħda, oħti, li ħasbet li ma kellha x'taqsam xejn mal-irġiel għax kienet super elite u serja, ġabet lill-għarus tagħha d-dar! Il-bieb tal-kamra ta 'oħti kien miftuħ, allura għajjat peek, u kien serju! Oħti qed tagħti lill-għarus tagħha!

- "Eh, your eyes met just now!?" - I'm very excited with my sister's show-off! One day, my sister, who thought she had nothing to do with men because she was super elite and serious, brought her boyfriend home! The door to my sister's room was open, so I sneaked a peek, and it was serious! My sister is giving a to her boyfriend!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 04/19/2017
Ħin tar-runtime: 215 min
Studjo: Golden Time