NKKD-028: Kawtela tal-ħmieġ disgustanti Koppja xtrat condominium second-hand b'self ta '35 sena, iżda ma stajtx nieqaf il-problema tal-istorbju ta' super DQN imsejjaħ Takemaru Senpai li jgħix fis-sular ta 'fuq, u meta mort nipprotesta fil-hangout mat-tnejn li aħna, ġejt maqlub u marti kienet.
Disgusting feces caution A couple bought a second-hand condominium with a 35-year loan, but I couldn't stand the noise problem of a super DQN called Takemaru Senpai who lives on the upper floor, and when I went to protest at the hangout with the two of us, I was reversed and my wife was.