STARS-552: Fil-festival tal-iskola, MINAMO huwa mqareb wisq u kważi mikxuf cosplay, u hemm linja kbira fil-maħżen! Suċċess kbir! Tentazzjoni bil-fenek invers, għawm b'lura, uniformi inversa, reverse cheer girl!

At the school festival, MINAMO is too naughty and almost naked cosplay, and there is a big line at the store! Great success! Temptation with reverse bunny, reverse swimming, reverse uniform, reverse cheer girl!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/12/2022
Ħin tar-runtime: 140 min
Attriċi: MINAMO
Studjo: SOD Create
SOD Academy kienet fil-niskata magħluqa.