HUNTA-304: "Minħabba li s-Sur / Ms. ma jistax ikollu sess ... Agħmel sess miegħi u toħroġ tqila! Missieri reġa' żżewweġ mara żagħżugħa u sabiħa li kienet sena akbar! Qed nieħu erezzjoni kuljum bil-panchira & chest chiller tal-kunjata tiegħi li hija erotika wisq. Iżda xi darba, missieri u l-kunjata kellhom ġlieda kbira. Dak li smajt f'widnejja kien xewqa l-aktar qalila ...
"Because Mr./Ms. can't have sex ... Have sex with me and get pregnant! My father remarried a young and beautiful woman who was a year older! I'm getting an erection every day with my mother-in-law's panchira & chest chiller that is too erotic. But one day, my father and mother-in-law had a big fight. What I heard in my ears was an earnest wish ...