HUNTA-306: Sistema part-time mimlija bniet super spear Yankee ● Ittrasferejt għall-iskola u kont l-uniku raġel! Waqajt mill-iskola minħabba l-bullying, u mort fi skola part-time ġdida. Fl-ewwel jum li mort, meta dħalt fil-klassi, kont l-uniku raġel fil-klassi mimli bniet Yankee super tal-biża '.

A part-time system full of super spear Yankee girls ● I transferred to the school and I was the only man! I dropped out of school due to bullying, and I moved into a new part-time school. On the first day of moving in, when I stepped into the classroom, I was the only man in the classroom full of super scary Yankee girls.

Data tal-Ħruġ: 06/07/2017
Ħin tar-runtime: 215 min
Studjo: Hunter