GDHH-062: "Ħu, isma' lili! Ġismi huwa stramb!?" Oħti (tifla tal-iskola) hija pura ħafna u tgħidli xi ħaġa jekk hemm xi ħaġa, u jekk hemm xi ħaġa li ma nifhimx, hi se tistaqsini, ħija. - Ġurnata waħda, oħt bħal din staqsietni mistoqsija super erotika bl-istess mod bħas-soltu!

"Brother, listen to me! Is my body weird!?" My sister (a school girl) is very pure and will tell me anything if there is anything, and if there is something I don't understand, she will ask me, my brother. - One day, such a sister asked me a super erotic question in the same way as usual!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 07/07/2017
Ħin tar-runtime: 190 min
Studjo: Golden Time