OYC-128: Osservazzjoni dilettanti maskili u femminili! Monitoraġġ AV Verifika bir-reqqa tal-ħbiberija bejn l-irġiel u n-nisa! Limitat għal ħbieb tajbin u rġiel u nisa li għerqu u tilfu l-aħħar ferrovija! Jekk hemm biss żewġ persuni f'kamra privata (mhux min iħobb) u m'hemm xejn sa filgħodu, il-flus tal-premju huma 100,000 yen! Aħna nagħtuha lilek! Madankollu, ix-xarba tal-mara titħallat bil-moħbi ma '"aphrodisiac" ... Ma nistax naħbi l-lust tiegħi ...
Amateur male and female observation! Monitoring AV Thorough verification of friendship between men and women! Limited to good friends and men and women who got drunk and missed the last train! If there are only two people in a private room (not lovers) and there is nothing until the morning, the prize money is 100,000 yen! We'll give it to you! However, the woman's drink is secretly mixed with "aphrodisiac" ... I can't hide my lust ...