HUNTA-355: Jien l-uniku raġel fid-dormitorju tal-baċellerat tal-maker tal-ħwejjeġ ta 'taħt mimli impjegati nisa bieżla! Meta mort Tokyo, kelli x-xorti li nikseb xogħol f'manifattur tal-ħwejjeġ ta 'taħt fil-belt, u dħalt f'dormitorju tal-baċellerat, kien hemm biss nisa! - Fuq ix-xogħol u fid-dormitorju, ikolli erezzjoni għal 24 siegħa b'ħafna ħwejjeġ ta' taħt tan-nisa! - Ħsibt li b'xi mod stajt naħbiha, imma nqbadt ...
I'm the only man in the underwear maker bachelor dormitory full of busty female employees! When I moved to Tokyo, got lucky enough to get a job at an underwear manufacturer in the city, and entered a bachelor dormitory, there were only women! - At work and in the dormitory, I get an erection for 24 hours with a lot of women's underwear! - I thought I was able to hide it somehow, but I was caught ...