BBAN-490: - Kamp ta' taħriġ tal-liċenzja lesbjana fejn sħabhom tal-klassi magħquda kienu mġiegħla jimponu s-sentimenti ta' mħabba tagħhom bħala studenti b'ħafna negozju mhux mitmum, u ngħataw it-tort għas-sider kbir sensittiv tagħhom, u baqgħu jkunu sabiex inefħu r-raġuni tagħhom.

- A lesbian license training camp where the reunited classmates were forced to impose their love feelings as students with a lot of unfinished business, and they were blamed for their sensitive big breasts, and they continued to be so that they blew away their reason.

Data tal-Ħruġ: 06/11/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 120 min
Studjo: bibian