SCPX-234: Bħala missier wieħed, tħabtu biex inrabbi lil uliedi! - Forsi ma stajtx nara dehra daqshekk mhux affidabbli, iżda l-mara tad-dar tal-viċinat saret ħabiba ta 'ommi! - Jekk inti mħassra minn mara miżżewġa soft breasts mill-mod, is-simpatija tiegħek eventwalment tinbidel għal estrus u jkollok relazzjoni ma '○○-chan mom bejn it-trawwim!

As a single father, I struggled to raise my children! - Maybe I couldn't see such an unreliable appearance, but the neighborhood housewife became my mom's friend! - If you are spoiled by a married woman soft breasts by the way, your sympathy will eventually change to estrus and you will have a relationship with ○○-chan mom in between nurturing!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/10/2017
Ħin tar-runtime: 176 min
Studjo: K M Produce