SORA-533: Tifla ★ li ma tridx tidher iżda għandha propensità li tidher Hija tħobb tkun esposta Meta ddur madwar mikxufa biex taqbad ħalliel tal-ħwejjeġ ta 'taħt, għall-kuntrarju, tidher mikxufa mill-kriminal u ssir magħluqa minn pjaċir tal-mistħija u urinati estrus ... Kanna Misaki
A girl ★ who doesn't want to be seen but has a propensity to be seen She likes to be exposed When she wanders naked to catch an underwear thief, on the contrary, the criminal sees her nakedness, and she becomes captivated by shameful pleasure and urinates estrus ... Kanna Misaki