OYC-178: - Għandha għarus, imma jekk timbuttah, tista' teħles minnha bla mistenni! Żewġt iħbieb nisa li tilfu l-aħħar ferrovija u segwew id-dar. - Żewġ persuni li għandhom għarus li jagħtu atmosfera li qatt ma jkollhom sess, imma jitolbuha biss b'momentum fis-sakra! "Urini l-qalziet!" jew "Urini tiegħek!" Anki jekk irrifjutajt, kien OK b'xi mod. Aħħar...

- She has a boyfriend, but if you push it, you can get rid of it unexpectedly! Two female friends who lost the last train and followed home. - Two people who have boyfriends who give off an atmosphere that they will never have sex, but they just ask for it with a drunken momentum! "Show me your pants!" or "Show me your!" Even though I refused, it was OK somehow. Last...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/07/2018
Ħin tar-runtime: 175 min