VOSS-092: - Ommha, li kellha ħakk fil-ħakk u ppruvat tapplika krema delikata, bi żball applikat aphrodisiac għal Mako u kienet fl-estrus! - Masturbazzjoni "Poke hard" waħedha mhix biżżejjed, allura niftaħ il-ġog u nibda nitlob għal wara tal-vaġina bil-Ji Po tiegħi. 2
- Her mother, who had an itchy crotch and tried to apply a delicate cream, mistakenly applied an aphrodisiac to Mako and was in estrus! - "Poke hard" Masturbation alone is not enough, and I open the joint and start begging for the back of the vagina with my Ji Po. 2