SDMU-828: Mr./Ms., impjegata mara gradwata ġdida tal-SOD tal-2018, għaliex ma tieħux xugaman fil-banju tal-irġiel? MISSJONI IEBSA !! - 5 impjegati nisa gradwati ġodda naïve immedjatament wara li ngħaqdu mal-kumpanija kienu kollha mdaħħla fit-taħriġ super shameful AV shooting site experience!

Mr./Ms., a 2018 SOD new graduate female employee, why don't you take a towel into the men's bath? HARD MISSION!! - 5 naïve new graduate female employees immediately after joining the company were all inserted in the super shameful AV shooting site experience training!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 06/07/2018
Ħin tar-runtime: 210 min
Studjo: SOD Create