SCOP-521: Ġurnata waħda, iċ-chime tad-dar tiegħi daqqet bil-għaġġla, u mara soppressiet il-crotch tagħha u qalet, "Jekk jogħġbok isilfuni toilet!" - Jekk tkompli tirrifjuta għax tkun suspettuż, int se tnixxi ħafna fuq il-post! !! Kont eċċitata bil-pipa tat-taqtir u għamiltha kif kienet.
One day, the chime of my house rang in a hurry, and a woman suppressed her crotch and said, "Please lend me a toilet!" - If you continue to refuse because you are suspicious, you will leak a lot on the spot! !! I was excited by the dripping pee and did it as it was.