HUNTA-457: - Jekk tistimula super l-punti ta 'acupuncture li l-ħabib tat-tfulija tiegħek iħoss b'massaġġi li huma barra mill-marka, ikollok konvulżjonijiet splussivi! M'għandix x'naqsam mal-istudju jew l-eżerċizzju, u jien ronin bħalissa! Il-ħabib tat-tfulija tiegħi kien inkwetat dwari u ġie jara kif kont qed nagħmel. Madankollu, kont imsammar f'sider il-ħabib tat-tfulija tiegħi li kellu sider kbir waqt li ma rajthiex għal xi żmien! Hija qalet, "Dan l-aħħar kont qed inħoss ħafna spal

- If you super stimulate the acupuncture points that your childhood friend feels with a massage that is off the mark, you will have explosive convulsions! I don't have anything to do with studying or exercising, and I'm a ronin right now! My childhood friend was worried about me and came to see how I was doing. However, I was nailed to the chest of my childhood friend who had big breasts while I didn't see it for a while! She said, "I've been feeling a lot of shoulders lately...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 06/19/2018
Ħin tar-runtime: 235 min
Attriċi: Moa Hoshizora
Studjo: Hunter