HUNTA-463: "Le! Jekk tmexxiha daqshekk, indaħħalha, allura jekk jogħġbok ieqaf!" - Jekk għandek koxxa vojta b'tutur b'sider super kbir, huwa rqiq u jiżloq! - Fl-aħħar, tħossok tajjeb wisq biex tiddaħħal nej, u jekk tagħmel 3 tiri vaġinali konsekuttivi mingħajr ma tiġbed 'il barra, f'daqqa waħda tinbidel f'mara li tħossha bħal gwerra tal-gambli! It-tutur tiegħi huwa ...
"No! If you move it that much, I'll insert it, so please stop!" - If you have a bare thigh with a tutor with super big breasts, it's slimy and slippery! - In the end, it feels too good to be inserted raw, and if you make 3 consecutive vaginal shots without pulling out, you will suddenly turn into a woman who feels like a shrimp war! My tutor is...