AP-558: - Għamilt lill-għarus tiegħi ta 'koppja inkwetanti li tagħmel iblah minni u tagħmel il-kamra hangout mingħajr permess biex torqod ma' pilloli tal-irqad, tajtha aphrodisiac, għamlitha klamari ma '"sess aphrodisiac miġnun" eżatt ħdejn l-għarus tal-irqad tagħha, u fl-aħħar sparat vaġinali u raqdet!
- I made my boyfriend of a troublesome couple who makes a fool of me and makes the room a hangout without permission to sleep with sleeping pills, gave her an aphrodisiac, made her squid with "crazy aphrodisiac sex" right next to her sleeping boyfriend, and finally vaginal shot and fell asleep!