UMD-680: In-nisa tal-appartamenti wara nofsinhar ma jilbsux bras fil-post, allura n-nipples huma lewd! Kont qed inħares 'il bogħod biex kemm jista' jkun ma ninkwetax dwarha, imma ladarba rajtha, ħarist lejha darbtejn, u n-nipples tan-nisa żgħar u sbieħ ta' ħdejhom huma erotiċi wisq! 5
Apartment wives in the afternoon don't wear bras on the premises, so nipples are lewd! I was looking away so as not to worry about it as much as possible, but once I saw it, I looked at it twice, and the nipples of the young and beautiful wives next door are too erotic! 5