SCPX-298: - Oħti hija serja wisq u wiċċha jsir aħmar meta ngħid storja ħażina. - Minkejja li hi sabiħa, l-għarus tagħha ma jidher li jagħmilha xejn, allura jekk tieħu gost biha u tgħid, "Int verġni," huwa reali! Meta staqsejt, "M'għandekx persuna favorita?", ma stennejthiex! Żgur li le!

- My sister is too serious and her face turns red when I say a bad story. - Even though she is beautiful, her boyfriend doesn't seem to make it at all, so if you make fun of her and say, "You're a virgin," it's real! When I asked, "Don't you have a favorite person?", I didn't expect it! No way!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 09/14/2018
Ħin tar-runtime: 195 min
Studjo: K M Produce