NKKD-100: - Ħabiba sobriju, octet, u nerdy li tgħid "L-ikel favorit tiegħi huwa ċanga Yoshi huwa Sur ordinarju / Ms. ...", I bil-moħbi naqbad lill-għarus tiegħi u neħħejtha ftit ftit, u fl-aħħar sibt l-istiva favorita tiegħi & Ahhe wiċċ dubpy! * Mill-mod, tħossha tant tajba li hemm ukoll "dikjarazzjoni ta 'firda" ... (għaraq).
- A sober, octet, and nerdy girlfriend who says "My favorite food is Yoshi beef is an ordinary Mr./Ms. ...", I secretly clung to my boyfriend and took it off little by little, and finally I got my favorite hold & Ahhe face dubpy! * By the way, it feels so good that there is also a "declaration of parting" ... (sweat).