DOCP-129: - Proġett tal-magażin bit-titlu "Memorial nude photo that a couple who loves xulxin wants to keep" u jqarraq b'martu, u jivverifika li kien cuckolded ma 'raġel Ji Po mhux ugwali u sessjoni ta' ritratti foloz ta 'kuntatt tal-ġilda vojta! Ji Po, li hija iżgħar minn żewġha u daret lura għal qurdiena, hija super qrib it-3 cm għal Mako u Mr./Ms. f'daqqa waħda lustful! ?? 4
- A magazine project titled "Memorial nude photo that a couple who loves each other wants to keep" and deceive his wife, and verify that he was cuckolded with an unequaled Ji Po man and a bare skin contact fake photo session! Ji Po, who is younger than her husband and has turned back to a tick, is super close to 3 cm to Mako and Mr./Ms. suddenly lustful! ?? 4