SETM-013: The Magic Mirror Jekk tħalli studenta tal-kulleġġ femminili edukata ħafna li tattendi wieħed mill-kulleġġi ewlenin taż-żgħażagħ ta 'Tokyo tgħid 100 kelma maħmuġa, se toħloq tebgħa fuq il-qliezet bojod puri tiegħek? … Bħala riżultat, estrus tant li titlob tiegħek stess, inserzjoni mhux ipproċessata f'imxarrab imxarrab li ma teħtieġx foreplay! 2
The Magic Mirror If you let a highly educated female college student who attends one of Tokyo's leading young lady colleges say 100 dirty words, will you create a stain on your pure white pants? … As a result, estrus so much that you ask for your own, raw insertion into a wet wet that does not require foreplay! 2