TURA-389: Kyokudo Trouble NTR 2019 Marti marret l-uffiċċju tal-grupp waħedha biex tiskuża ruħha, iżda bil-kundizzjoni li kienet imsawta bl-idejn, kienet imġiegħla tagħmel sess ma 'thug żagħżugħ hemmhekk u kienet imċajpra b'"Mr./Ms., x'tip ta' edukazzjoni qed tagħti lil ibnek?
Kyokudo Trouble NTR 2019 My wife went to the group office alone to apologize, but on the condition that she was hand-beaten, she was forced to have sex with a young thug there and was cuckolded with a pearl-filled "Mr./Ms., what kind of education are you giving your son?