SDJS-035: L-akbar test minn meta ngħaqdet mal-kumpanija wasal għall-aktar impjegata femminili vulnerabbli fl-istorja tal-SOD! - Ma nistax nirrifjuta l-imqareb imqareb li huwa imbarazzanti wisq, u jien imbarazzat ħafna drabi! Verżjoni SP tas-7 kantunieri kollha reġistrazzjoni 4SEX tal-ewwel squirrel, l-ewwel, l-ewwel kbir, u l-ewwel darba! Impjegata femminili SOD l-ewwel sena ta 'impjieg ta' nofs il-karriera fid-dipartiment tar-reklamar Asumi Yoshioka 26 sena
The biggest test since joining the company has arrived for the most vulnerable female employee in SOD's history! - I can't refuse the naughty recklessness that is too embarrassing, and I'm embarrassed many times! SP version of all 7 corners 4SEX recording of the first squirrel, the first, the first large, and the first time! SOD female employee 1st year of mid-career employment in the advertising department Asumi Yoshioka 26 years old