NNPJ-362: Proġett ta 'verifika Nampa JAPAN! "Kont taf li l-għawm imħallat huwa l-aħjar mod biex tapprofondixxi r-rabta tiegħek?" Impjegati sħabi! Madankollu, l-uniċi swimsuits ippreparati huma mikro bikinis żgħar ħafna! Il-post huwa lukanda ta 'mħabba jacuzzi! Huwa diffiċli li żżomm ir-raġuni fit-tentazzjoni tal-boobs porori ...
Nampa JAPAN verification project! "Did you know that mixed bathing is the best way to deepen your bond?" Fellow employees! However, the only swimsuits prepared are very small micro bikinis! The place is a love hotel jacuzzi! It's hard to keep reason in the temptation of porori boobs ...