DOCP-177: In-nisa bieżla fil-viċinat li f'daqqa waħda ħassewhom iddispjaċuti għalija li ġie kkundannat għad-divorzju u sar missier wieħed iddeċieda li jgħinni fix-xogħol tad-dar! - Sibt li sibt erezzjoni dwar il-kessieħ u l-panchira tas-sider mhux mistennija ta 'marti, u tħajjart ngħid, "Ilni ma marid minn meta faqqajt mas-Sur / Ms.marti ...?"
The busty wives in the neighborhood who suddenly felt sorry for me who was sentenced to divorce and became a single father decided to help me with housework! - I found out that I got an erection about my wife's unexpected chest chiller and panchira, and I was tempted to say, "I haven't been sick since I broke up with Mr./ wife ...?"