DHLD-001: Meta mort għat-taħriġ tal-impjegat il-ġdid fis-salon tas-sbuħija li ngħaqadt miegħu, kont l-uniku raġel! Mill-ewwel jum, esponejt erezzjoni sħiħa fit-taħriġ, u ġejt magħmul f'ġugarell sesswali msemmi t-tabella tal-prattika sa tmiem it-taħriġ ...

When I went to the new employee training at the beauty salon I joined, I was the only man! From the first day, I exposed a full erection in the training, and I was made into a sex toy named the practice table until the end of the training ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/01/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 120 min
Studjo: OFFICE K'S