SDNM-453: Dahar pulit u nadif imwieled f'Nagasaki li jispikka anke jekk tintilef fil-hustle u l-bustle tal-belt Mr./Ms. Yuri Adachi, 32 sena, Kapitolu 2 Il-limitu ta 'żmien huwa 19 o'clock-8 sigħat li tmur Tokyo fi vjaġġ ta 'ġurnata biex tgawdi l-pjaċir tal-immoralità sal-aħħar tal-ħin permess u tkompli tkun klamari

A neat and clean back born in Nagasaki who stands out even if you get lost in the hustle and bustle of the city Mr./Ms. Yuri Adachi, 32 years old, Chapter 2 The time limit is 19 o'clock--8 hours of going to Tokyo on a day trip to enjoy the pleasure of immorality until the end of the allowed time and continuing to be squid

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/09/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 130 min
Attriċi: Yuri Adachi
Studjo: SOD Create