GS-299: Tfajla tal-bejgħ bħala sexy daqs Egetsunai ġiet iżżurni fil-kamra fejn kont l-unika waħda! - Jekk taħfer lilek innifsek talli tkun daqshekk erotiku u sempliċement poġġiha fil-kamra ... - Forsi l-motivi ulterior tiegħi ġew skoperti, iżda d-deskrizzjoni tal-prodott hija wkoll maltempata ta 'attakki erotiċi! - Waqt li kienet qed turi l-qalziet, ixxaqleb u ġġib wiċċha qrib biżżejjed biex taqbad nifsha ...

A sales girl as sexy as Egetsunai came to visit me in the room where I was the only one! - If you forgive yourself for being so erotic and just put it in the room ... - Maybe my ulterior motives were discovered, but the product description is also a storm of erotic attacks! - While showing her pants, lean over and bring her face close enough to catch her breath ...

DVD-ID: GS-299
Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/21/2019
Ħin tar-runtime: 120 min