USAG-001: "Meta nara l-koxox ta 'raġel fit-triq, ikolli biss bid-delużjonijiet tiegħi," jgħid Tsutomu Gari, li libes nuċċalijiet tal-qiegħ tal-flixkun meta kien student. Issa hija mara tal-karriera li taħdem għal kumpanija elenkata. Iżda fil-fatt, mara Neske li tħobb lil Ji Po b'kostituzzjoni ejaculation de M prematura li kontinwament tħawwad meta tagħmel sess
"When I see the crotch of a man on the street, I just get a with my delusions," says Tsutomu Gari, who wore bottle-bottom glasses when he was a student. She is now a career woman who works for a listed company. But in fact, a Neske woman who loves Ji Po with a premature ejaculation de M constitution that continuously messes when she has sex