CAWD-071: 15-il sena ta 'għawm kompetittiv! It-2 post fil-kampjonat tal-prefettura! Ipparteċipa fit-turnew nazzjonali! Atleta tal-għawm kompetittiv attiv huwa l-iktar student tal-kulleġġ femminili ad debutt AV b'libido qawwi Mizuho Nitta 21 sena

15 years of competitive swimming! 2nd place in the prefectural tournament! Participated in the national tournament! Active competitive swimming athlete is the fastest female college student AV debut with strong libido Mizuho Nitta 21 years old

Data tal-Ħruġ: 03/25/2020
Ħin tar-runtime: 120 min
Attriċi: Mizuho Nitta
Studjo: kawaii