HUNTA-769: - Għal tlett ijiem konsekuttivi, ninsab waħdi mal-ħabib tat-tfulija tiegħi f'banju dejjaq u l-limitu tal-paċenzja tiegħi! Il-ġenituri tal-ħabib tat-tfulija iżgħar tiegħi sejrin fuq vjaġġ, allura ġew joqogħdu d-dar tiegħi! Huwa mwaħħal u għalija ...

- For three consecutive days, I am alone with my childhood friend in a narrow bath and the limit of my patience! My younger childhood friend's parents are going on a trip, so they came to stay at my house! It's sticky and to me ...

Data tal-Ħruġ: 05/07/2020
Ħin tar-runtime: 240 min
Studjo: Hunter