SONE-113: - Impjegat junior li normalment ikun persuna serja bi storja ħażina NG isir demonju diżgustanti tal-bews meta jixrob l-alkoħol! - Tinsa kollox meta tinxtorob, u għadni ma nimmaġinax li qed tagħmel affarijiet erotiċi miegħi ħafna drabi Yura Kano

- A junior employee who is usually a serious person with a bad story NG becomes a nasty kissing demon when he drinks alcohol! - She forgets everything when she gets drunk, and I still don't imagine that she's doing erotic things with me many times Yura Kano

Data tal-Ħruġ: 04/23/2024
Ħin tar-runtime: 150 min
Attriċi: Yura Kano