CAWD-196: L-iktar tifel sobriju fil-klassi huwa kittieb doujin u huwa super erotiku, iżda għandha żero esperjenza attwali ... Fl-iskola kwieta qabel l-eżami, użajt il-mudell tat-tpinġija Mr./Ms. bħala skuża biex inħobb xadina aktar u aktar. L-Ewwel Imħabba Nenne

The most sober child in the class is a doujin writer and is super erotic, but she has zero actual experience ... In the quiet school before the exam, I used the drawing Mr./Ms. model as an excuse to like a monkey over and over again. First Love Nenne

Data tal-Ħruġ: 03/25/2021
Ħin tar-runtime: 120 min
Attriċi: Nenne Ui
Studjo: kawaii