GIGL-646: Għaddew 5 snin minn meta ggradwajt mill⇒iskola tal-qiegħ lokali u mort Tokyo, u għadni part-timer! Kont dipendenti fuq affari ma 'zijiet part-time li ttrattawni bħala raġel sabiħ li ma kien popolari xejn ma' bniet tal-istess età, u ġejt fl-appartament fejn kont ngħix waħdi u ħadt ħsiebi vol.5

It's been 5 years since I graduated from ⇒ local bottom school and moved to Tokyo, and I'm still a part-timer! I was addicted to an affair with part-time aunts who treated me as a handsome man who was not popular with girls of the same age at all, and came to the apartment where I lived alone and took care of me vol.5

Data tal-Ħruġ: 04/23/2021
Ħin tar-runtime: 124 min