JUFE-296: - L-aptit ta 'ġellied tal-ikel u l-libido tremend uniku għall-assoċjazzjoni sportiva! Ex-plejer tal-volleyball tal-bajja li ttrasforma f'gal adult sabiħ bi tbissima mill-isbaħ jagħmel id-debutt AV karnivori tagħha fit-tfittxija kemm tal-ispejjeż tal-ikel kif ukoll ta 'Ji Po!

- The appetite of a food fighter and the tremendous libido unique to the sports association! A former beach volleyball player who has transformed into a beautiful adult gal with a wonderful smile makes her carnivorous AV debut in search of both food expenses and Ji Po!

Data tal-Ħruġ: 06/13/2021
Ħin tar-runtime: 150 min
Attriċi: Rion Hirano
Studjo: Fitch