MOGI-132: [L-ewwel sparatura] Studenta tal-kulleġġ femminili li taħdem part-time f'ristorant stil tal-Punent Tifla sabiħa mirakoluża li għandha numru żgħir ta 'nies b'esperjenza iżda hija aktar interessata fl-erotiċiżmu minn ħaddieħor Dehra tajba, personalità tajba, stil tajjeb ◎ Qawmien sesswali huwa mera maġika li tidher fuq smartphone Xi darba, 18-il sena, xi darba fl-età tal-allat
[First shot] A female college student who works part-time at a Western-style restaurant A miraculous beautiful girl who has a small number of experienced people but is more interested in eroticism than anyone else Good looks, good personality, good style ◎ Sexual awakening is a magic mirror seen on a smartphone Someday, 18 years old, someday in the age of the gods