DVDMS-490: Id-dokument ġenerali tal-irġiel u n-nisa AV Mill-ġurnata li krew il-kamra tiegħi lil mara matura sabiħa tal-ħmar Ċiniża li ġiet għat-turisti bħala alloġġ privat, ġejt magħfus ħafna drabi bi squirrel nej sakemm eżatt qabel ma rritornajt id-dar (Ta Xie)

General men's and women's document AV From the day I rented my room to a Chinese big ass beautiful mature woman who came for sightseeing as a private lodging, I was squeezed many times with raw squirrel until just before returning home (Ta Xie)

Data tal-Ħruġ: 01/07/2020
Ħin tar-runtime: 145 min
Attriċi: Mirei Hayashi
Studjo: Deep's