HMN-509: Tixtieq ejaculate? - Dame, mhux se nħallik tagħmel sess sakemm ma takkumulax aktar u aktar sperma! - Inqbadt inqarraq u l-ejaculation kien immaniġġjat. - Bħala kastig, ir-rikonċiljazzjoni SESS wara li kont paċenzjuż għal xahar kienet tant tajba li jien sparat vaġinali aktar u aktar. Akari Mitani
Do you want to ejaculate? - Dame, I won't let you have sex unless you accumulate more and more sperm! - I was caught cheating and ejaculation was managed. - As a punishment, the reconciliation SEX after being impatient for a month was so good that I vaginal shot over and over again. Akari Mitani