MVSD-529: Vaganza tas-sajf ... Irritornajt id-dar wara żmien twil ... Ma stajtx inrażżan ix-xewqa sesswali tiegħi bl-għaraq għanbaqar sider enormi u feromoni tas-sieħeb taż-żwieġ mill-ġdid ta 'missieri (eks mistress), u kelli sess għaraq u lewd sabiex ikunu marbutin ma' xulxin minn nofs il-ġurnata. Minami Shirakawa
Summer vacation... I returned home after a long time ... I couldn't suppress my sexual desire with the sweaty plump huge breasts and pheromones of my father's remarriage partner (former mistress), and I had sweaty and lewd sex so that they were intertwined from the middle of the day. Minami Shirakawa