SNIS-665: L-att sesswali bil-kalma ġejt magħżul bħala l-kaster ewlieni għall-ewwel darba, u għall-fini tat-telespettaturi, anke jekk ġejt mgħarraq waqt ix-xandira diretta, ġejt imsawwat minn Ji ● Po, u anke jekk esponejt wiċċi għal A, jien bieżel fil-kamra tat-te bħala announcer femminili dipendenti fuq is-sess li jkompli jaqra l-manuskritt. Akiho Yoshizawa

Sexual intercourse calmly I was selected as the main caster for the first time, and for the sake of viewership, even if I was groped during the live broadcast, I was beaten by Ji ● Po, and even if I exposed my face to A, I am bustling in the tea room as a sex-addicted female announcer who continues to read the manuscript. Akiho Yoshizawa

Data tal-Ħruġ: 06/07/2016
Ħin tar-runtime: 150 min
Attriċi: Akiho Yoshizawa