GS-225: - Impjegata mara li hija erotika wisq b'ħmar kbir ta' 30 sena tiltaqa' ma' post fejn tinsab fl-inkwiet għax il-ħmar tagħha ma joqgħodx f'dublett issikkat! - Għalkemm taħbi "Rajt post ħażin ...", kien diġà tard wisq, u ħsibt li se nsib u nċanfar, imma kont sfurzat ngħinha tilbes dublett u tgħid, "Ħej, tista' tgħinni ...?"

- A female employee who is too erotic with a big ass in her 30s encounters a place where she is in trouble because her ass does not fit in a tight skirt! - Although she hides "I saw a bad place ...", it was already too late, and I thought that I would be found and scolded, but I was forced to help her wear a skirt saying, "Hey, can you help me ...?"

DVD-ID: GS-225
Data tal-Ħruġ: 11/22/2018
Ħin tar-runtime: 95 min