NNPJ-457: Għaddew 10 xhur minn dakinhar (il-lejl tal-qalb maqsuma)... Offerta ta 'dehra mill-ġdid minħabba popolarità kbira! Għall-isparar AV, bqajt matul il-lejl fil-lukanda mill-ġurnata ta 'qabel. Fl-istess kamra tal-attur ... Kamra maqsuma reali NIGHT Maron (24 sena)
It's been 10 months since then (the night of the broken heart)... Re-appearance offer due to great popularity! For AV shooting, I stayed overnight at the hotel from the day before. In the same room as the actor ... Real shared room NIGHT Maron (24 years old)