RTP-074: परदेशी पाहुण्यांच्या आगमनामुळे हॉटेलची फी वाढत आहे! माझी भाची अनिच्छेने माझ्या घरी राहायला आली. - मात्र, अंघोळ न करता आयुष्य पाहून मी स्तब्ध झालो! "बघू नकोस!" असं जरी सांगितलं तरी ... जेव्हा मी म?

Hotel fees are soaring due to the influx of foreign guests! My niece reluctantly came to stay at my house. - However, I was stunned by my life without a bath! Even if you are told, "Don't look at it!" ... When I was looking at my niece's body that had grown up ...

रिलीज डेट: 06/01/2016
Runtime: 130 min
Studio: .DOC