VOSS-105: I taku karangatanga i tētahi wahine mārena ko Deriheru, he kaiako rūma ātaahua tērā i mua! I a au e ākonga ana, he ātaahua ahau (kino) me tētahi tūtohu, ā, i kanohi ki tētahi mea, nā reira ko taku kāri pūrongo ko te 1 katoa (ngā Pachinkas kore mahi i tēnei wā), nā reira i whakaaro ai ahau kia whai painga i tōku ngoikoretanga, ā, he wahine utu! 3
When I called a married woman Deriheru, it was a beautiful homeroom teacher in the past who came! When I was a student, I was a delinquent (bad) with a tag and was eyed for something, so my report card was all 1 (currently unemployed Pachinkas), so I decided to take advantage of my weakness and have revenge sex! 3