START-268: He wāhanga o ngā mehua hei whawha i te whakapekatanga o te whānautanga, ka whakahautia ngā tirohanga tatauranga o ngā mōhiohio taihe mō te iwi kotahi. Ko Yuna Ogura, he kaitirotiro Ji Po karaehe tuatahi e kohikohi ana i ngā mōhiohio whaiaro (he mātotoru, he mātotoru, he uaua, he koki) o te tāne e mau ana i te mahi ā-waha
As part of measures to combat the declining birthrate, statistical surveys of genital information for single people will be mandatory. Yuna Ogura, a first-class Ji Po surveyor who collects personal information (length, thickness, hardness, angle) of male genitalia with oral lewdness